16:9 I Color I 56 min I 2015 I HD I VF - VOSTEN

Memories from Gehenna


15€ TTC*

*For any acquisition outside the private framework (media library, library, etc.), please contact us at contact (at) films-de-force-majeure.com

VOD Souvenirs de la Géhenne, Films de Force Majeure

2.99€ – 6.99€*

*Location, streaming: 2.99€ for 48h.
For purchase, streaming or download: 6.99€

Grande-Synthe, Northern France, 2002. J.D. loads his rifle and drives through town, looking for people with an immigrant background. His wild odyssey ends up with the murder of a 17-year-old North African. More than ten years after the events, the film follows the murderer’s path through Grande-Synthe, confronting the city’s urban metamorphosis to J.D.’s voice, reconstructed from his criminal case report.

Regard Documentaire special mention 2016 | French Institute Prize 2015 stitut français 2015